How to Get a DBA Name in New Hampshire
One of the first things entrepreneurs must do in order to operate a business is to decide on a name. Many choose to operate under a DBA (Doing Business As) name, which is essentially a trade name or fictitious name. DBA names have many advantages for businesses, such as establishing a brand and making it easier to open bank accounts. In the state of New Hampshire, getting a DBA name is relatively easy and straightforward. Here's how to get a dba name in new hampshire:
Step 1: Choose a DBA Name
Before starting the registration process, you need to come up with a DBA name. The name should be unique and reflective of your business brand. Make sure to search the New Hampshire Secretary of State's business name database to make sure your chosen name is not already in use. You can also do a general online search to see if there are any websites or businesses with the same name. The name should be fifteen characters or less, including spaces and punctuation.
Step 2: Register the DBA Name
Once you have a DBA name, your next step is to register it with the New Hampshire Secretary of State. Unlike some other states, NH does not require businesses to register their DBA name with the county clerk's office. Instead, businesses need to file a trade name registration with the Secretary of State's business registration office. Fill out a trade name registration form, attach the $50 filing fee, and mail it to New Hampshire Secretary of State, State House Annex, 25 Capitol Street, Concord, NH 0330. Additionally, businesses can also file online by going to the New Hampshire government's website . After filing, it will take approximately seven to ten business days to receive your registration certificate.
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Step 3: Publish the DBA Name
New Hampshire law requires that within one week after the trade name is filed with the Secretary of State, notice of the affidavit shall be published once in a newspaper of general circulation in the county where the business is located. The publication should include the name under which the business is being conducted, the date on which the certificate was filed, and the name of the individual or individuals who filed the certificate. The publication must be made within 60 days after the certificate is filed. During this time, the Secretary of State will be performing additional searches for any potential conflicts with any other already existing trade names.
Step 4: Use the DBA Name
After you receive your certificate of registration, you can start using your DBA name. Make sure to update your marketing materials, including your website designs, brochures, letters, print advertisements, if and whenever you are using your DBA that you legally operated under. Make sure you have any licensing updates if applicable.
Getting a DBA name is simple to do in New Hampshire, making it an excellent way to establish a trade name, expand brand awareness or establish multiple businesses. It's a small investment that can reap big rewards. Remember to follow the steps provided by the New Hampshire government website, be sure you are using your DBA name within the context the application was submitted for, and update it wherever necessary. By operating legally under the DBA name, you can improve your business' brand name visibility and start growing a loyal customer base. Be sure to keep the registration’s review date on your records, as periodic updating of registration may need adjustment.
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